04. Johns Cove

Location: Johns Cove Beach (Overton Rd to Cape Forchu)
Shoreline: sand beach
Type of access: paved road
Parking: yes
Access: sand beach
Topographic reference: 20-0/16 (Yarmouth)
Marine chart # 4245 (Yarmouth Harbour and Approaches)
UTM grid: E0729087  N4853729
Latitude: N 43° 48.181’ /Longitude:W 66° 09.125′
Public Access

Exercise Caution in Yarmouth Harbour as it an active seaport with commercial and pleasure boats.

Note at present there is no connecting ferry from Yarmouth Nova Scotia to Maine and Portland USA

Cape Forchu Lightstation is located at the end of a 12 kil. stretch of road through fishing villages along the coast. While in the area “enjoy tea by the sea” in the Cape Forchu Tearoom. Hot lobster cooked just for you at Stanley Lobster Company Ltd in a quaint seashanty setting.

Cape Forchu website: wwwcapeforchulight.com or for more information about Yarmouth County visit www.yarmouthandacadianshores.com

 There are no more conveniences between here and Port Maitland.

Note: Instead of paddling around Cape Forchu there is an opening for small boats to go   through at Yarmouth Bar (Yarmouth Bar Channel) refer to map. Take caution in the harbour where the fishing boats are when taking this shortcut. Another much shorter and safer route come into False Harbour take your kayak out and portage directly across the road to John’s Cove.